Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Workplace Devotions: Textbook Mythbusters

Mark 11:6       They answered as Jesus had told them to, and the people let them go.

There’s a controversy brewing here in Knoxville which will probably become national. A biology honors textbook has a line in it which defines Creationism as: "the biblical myth that the universe was created by the Judeo-Christian God in 7 days." A local father has asked that the book be banned because it is biased against Christianity.

I was asked to give my opinion about it by the local TV station. I told them that I don’t believe that banning textbooks was a good thing. After all, the Church is in the business of teaching faith, not our public schools. If we are so insecure about what we believe and that the mere word ‘myth’ shatters it into a million pieces, then do we have any depth to our faith at all?

I’m all for freedom of religion and freedom of speech. If we ban the textbook in Knoxville, then we are giving in to fear and not truly expressing our faith. If we want to control our public schools so that Christianity is given a special status, then we no longer have freedom of expression and we may as well start burning witches again on Market Square.

I firmly believe that God created the Universe and that it is sustained by His will. I cannot scientifically prove that as a fact, but I feel it one hundred percent as an act of faith. I have accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior and I try to live my life according to His words and ways. I am not perfect. I still sin. I still make many mistakes. The fact that a school textbook refers to my beliefs as a mere myth does not unsettle me at all. I will continue to preach and teach that God made the world and that Christ is my Savior. To paraphrase Jesus: “textbooks may come and go, but the word of the Lord endures forever.”

Prayer:                        Lord Jesus, every generation has its crosses to bear in the world. Every Christian is confronted with words and ways that will challenge cherished beliefs. Remind us that the battle has already been won and that the power of Easter’s New Creation cannot be diminished by mere words. Help us to express our faith through conviction and depth, and not by fear or anxiety. In Your Holy Name, we humbly pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment on today’s message, please send him an email to

Today’s image is one of John’s digital glass drawings called “creation.” If you would like to view a larger version, click on the following link:

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