Friday, April 9, 2010

Workplace Devotions: Skillful Players

Psalm 33:3      Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.

I haven’t played my guitar in months, nor have I written a new song in years. At one time, I used to play every day and write about four new songs a year. These days, I hardly ever pick up the guitar or sing. I’m more into art than music right now, but perhaps that will change.

We used to have a great guitarist in our congregation. Steve could pick and play like no one I had ever heard before. He would just have to listen to a song once and then he could play it back. That was an amazing gift and one that we missed in church when he and his family left to live in another state. The nearest to that kind of expertise that we have in our church worship band is a young mandolin player called Josh. He has the same incredible gift of practically hearing and playing music instantly. It makes me wish that I had spent more time practicing when I was younger instead of just being content to ‘strum along.’

Some people do this with their faith, too. Instead of learning more about God and intentionally educating themselves about Christ and Christianity, they are just happy to come along to church and be spectators. They never really add depth to their beliefs and so they miss out on having a spiritually intense relationship with God. I sometimes wonder how happier they would be if they spent more time to be with God instead of being distracted by the world and its ways. Maybe if there were more Marys than Marthas in the church, Christianity would have a greater impact in the world. If we were more focused on Christ’s business rather than our own busy-ness, we would probably live more faithful lives.

I guess I need to go and dust down that old guitar of mine…

Prayer:                        Lord Jesus, we get so busy in our lives that we never take enough time to be with You. We become so self-centered and self-absorbed that we often take You for granted. Grant us the grit and determination to focus on our faith, and to build up our understanding, intimacy, and relationship with God through You. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment on today’s message, please send him an email to

Today’s image is one of John’s drawings called “Jazz 4 July.” You can view a larger version here:

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