Friday, July 2, 2010

Office Devotions: Questioning God - Acts 9

Acts 9:13         "LORD," Ananias answered, "I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your saints in Jerusalem.

There are times when I would love to be like Paul, but in my heart I know that I’m more like Ananias. God tells him to go and heal Saul of Tarsus, the great persecutor of the Early Church. Ananias balks at the very idea and even questions God’s command. He’s saying to God, “Are You sure about this? Perhaps You haven’t heard about this terrible man?”

That’s me all over - questioning God’s work and ways instead of listening to His voice and following His instructions. There have been many occasions in my life when God has presented me with new and difficult situations and I’ve ended up praying to God and expressing my concerns: “Are You sure about this? Will it work? Do You really think this person can do that?”

I’m certain that I’m not the only person or pastor who goes through this. Like Ananias, I eventually surrender to God’s will and trust in His wisdom. After all, God knows everything, so He must know what is right for Him, His Kingdom, and Christ’s Church.

Perhaps God is inviting You to a new opportunity, a different journey, or an untried spiritual path. Maybe like me, you question God and feel unsure. Pray and ponder over the possibilities. Seek Christ’s guidance and grace. If you truly do this and take time to think about it, God will show you His way. In the end, it’s His work in the world that’s important.

Prayer:                        Lord Jesus, we often question Your ways and words. We are sometimes challenged by Your teaching because we know it will change our lives. Help us to accept the callings that You give us and lead us on the path that You have chosen for us. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment on today’s message, please send him an email to

Today’s drawing is John’s latest Independence Day artwork. It’s called “Home of the Brave.” You can view a larger version of the image online at the following link:

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