Thursday, January 21, 2010

Office Devotions: Mercy Me - Psalm 6

Psalm 6:9 The LORD has heard my cry for mercy; the LORD accepts my prayer.

I don’t know how I would get through each day if I didn’t know about the mercy of God. I still make many mistakes, even although at my age you would think I would know better. Every night I need to ask God to forgive my selfishness and stupidity. Each morning, I ask for guidance to make good decisions and for avoidance of conflict, but by the time the sun goes down, I’m looking for mercy and forgiveness yet again.

I guess it’s all a part of the human condition: we make mistakes and need mercy. Thankfully, God has an amazing amount of patience which gives me hope for the future. Perhaps one day I’ll persevere and praise God for a day without any mistakes.

I love the way that King David of old wears his emotions on his sleeve. He doesn’t seem to mind who hears his confessions and failings. When he sings, he really prays to God for help. Writing psalms must have been good therapy for David. It makes me wonder if he would be writing about his pain and suffering, turmoil and troubles on Facebook or MySpace if he were alive today.

Perhaps you’re feeling guilty today about something that caused offence or maybe a harsh word that came from your lips. You might be feeling bad about something you’ve forgotten or concerning someone you’ve let down. Maybe you’re carrying baggage from the past or unresolved mistakes. My advice to you would be the same that I give to myself each day: come to God in prayer and ask for mercy. Seek His forgiveness now and find that acceptance you really need. Whenever we are unable, God is most able. 

Prayer:                        Lord of Mercy and Hope, forgive us for past mistakes and unholy choices. Pardon us for hurting our loved ones and for neglecting to help those in need. Give us the courage to learn from the past and the wisdom to seek Your guidance in all that we seek to say or do. In Christ’s Sacred Name, we pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment on today’s message, please send him an email to

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