Sunday, January 31, 2010

Office Devotions: Accepting Jesus - Luke 4 v 24

Luke 4:24 “I tell you the truth,” Jesus continued, “no prophet is accepted in his hometown.”

We live in a strange age. Our society and civilization, our culture and traditions have all been shaped, established, and blessed by Christianity. The freedoms we share have been formed by the faith we once held dear. In fact, if we were to erase Christianity from the last two thousand years of history, most of us would be serfs or slaves, ignorant and illiterate, cruelly treated and cast aside.

That’s what makes the living of these days very strange because Western society, in Europe and the Americas, is turning its back upon Christ, the true Founder of our freedoms and faith. It’s as if today’s verse from Luke could be rewritten to read: “No Savior is accepted in His world.”

Jesus lived and died almost two thousand years ago, but His Spirit still captivates most of the religious hearts and minds in other places throughout the world. Africa is a prime example of this. At the beginning of the 20th century, 9% of the population was Christian and 36% were Islamic. A hundred years later, when we reached the year 2000, 40% of the African population was Islamic and over 44% of the population was Christian. The same thing is happening in China, where it has been estimated that by 2030 1.5 billion people will be Christians. Christ’s Church is growing at a rapid rate throughout the Earth, and yet on His home turf of Western Society people are forgetting what they really owe to His words and ways, His godliness and Gospel.

This morning our church has been closed due to the icy weather, so our people at Erin cannot collectively worship God. But for those of you who are reading this today, I want to say “Thank You” for taking time to accept Jesus into your heart and homes through the reading of God’s Word and the blessing of His Spirit.

Prayer:                        Lord Jesus, enable us to reconnect to Your words and ways, to find the time to rekindle our faith in order to make a recommitment to You. Help us to remember past days when we have needed You in our lives and the times that we have worshiped in our hearts and homes, as well as in our churches and cherished holy places. Thank You for being the Savior of our souls and the Lord of our lives. In Your Holy Name, we humbly pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment on today’s message, please send him an email to

Today’s picture is John’s latest drawing called “Moonlight over Maybole West,” featuring his first parish church. If you would like to see a larger version of the picture, please click on the following link:

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Office Devotions: More Than Being Saved - Psalm 9

Psalm 9:18      But the needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted ever perish.

When I first became a Christian, I thought that my mission was to ensure that the world was saved. Being born again had such an impact upon me that I wanted other people, my family and friends, to experience the same spiritual awakening and dynamic change. To be saved meant more to me than anything because I knew that without Jesus intervening in my life, I would have ended up as an alcoholic on skid row. Jesus changed my life completely, so I expected that everyone else would want the same.

It’s been almost thirty three years since I have had that wonderful experience and although I am truly thankful for being saved, I now know that it’s not what the Kingdom of God is all about. If that was the case, I could rest upon my spiritual laurels and live the rest of my life without any changes. Being saved is extremely important in the eternal scheme of things, but what I do with that salvation is crucially important with regard to being a saved Christian in the world.

Christ didn’t ask us to become His disciples just to look after ourselves. He called us to God’s Kingdom so that we could go out into the world to right the wrongs, heal the brokenness, and support the needy. Faith is a wonderful gift for the believer, but faithful works are precious gifts to the world. If we think about what’s currently happening in Haiti, we know that the people who are suffering over there don’t need a bunch of Christian groups telling them that they must be saved. Instead, they need to be shown the loving kindness, tender care, and compassion of the Kingdom of God.

The Haitians are looking to survive this terrible catastrophe. As Christians, we can build the Kingdom of God over there through acts of support rather than brow-beating them with the Bible just to add numbers to the ranks of people being saved. This is what makes it crucial to the growth of the Kingdom of God on Earth. Faith alone saves an individual person; faith and good works saves the world.

Prayer:                        Lord Jesus, You are the Savior of the World and the Healer of the Nations. You bring the Kingdom of God into our hearts through our salvation, so that we can take that precious gift out into the world through acts of love and compassion. Help us to do what we can to help the needy, support the poor, and care for the perishing, so that God’s Kingdom may be effective and restorative in the world today. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment on today’s message, please send him an email to

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Office Devotions: Mercy Me - Psalm 6

Psalm 6:9 The LORD has heard my cry for mercy; the LORD accepts my prayer.

I don’t know how I would get through each day if I didn’t know about the mercy of God. I still make many mistakes, even although at my age you would think I would know better. Every night I need to ask God to forgive my selfishness and stupidity. Each morning, I ask for guidance to make good decisions and for avoidance of conflict, but by the time the sun goes down, I’m looking for mercy and forgiveness yet again.

I guess it’s all a part of the human condition: we make mistakes and need mercy. Thankfully, God has an amazing amount of patience which gives me hope for the future. Perhaps one day I’ll persevere and praise God for a day without any mistakes.

I love the way that King David of old wears his emotions on his sleeve. He doesn’t seem to mind who hears his confessions and failings. When he sings, he really prays to God for help. Writing psalms must have been good therapy for David. It makes me wonder if he would be writing about his pain and suffering, turmoil and troubles on Facebook or MySpace if he were alive today.

Perhaps you’re feeling guilty today about something that caused offence or maybe a harsh word that came from your lips. You might be feeling bad about something you’ve forgotten or concerning someone you’ve let down. Maybe you’re carrying baggage from the past or unresolved mistakes. My advice to you would be the same that I give to myself each day: come to God in prayer and ask for mercy. Seek His forgiveness now and find that acceptance you really need. Whenever we are unable, God is most able. 

Prayer:                        Lord of Mercy and Hope, forgive us for past mistakes and unholy choices. Pardon us for hurting our loved ones and for neglecting to help those in need. Give us the courage to learn from the past and the wisdom to seek Your guidance in all that we seek to say or do. In Christ’s Sacred Name, we pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment on today’s message, please send him an email to

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Office Devotions: Beyond Death - Psalm 6

Psalm 6:5 No one remembers you when he is dead. Who praises you from the grave?

Sometimes I feel sorry for the ancient Israelites. They didn’t have any real hope in resurrection and everlasting life. They believed that when someone died, the soul went to a place of shadows and, over time, it became a mere shadow itself. Death was something to be dreaded and feared. It meant the end of everything – life, relationships, and faith.

Thankfully, we are New Testament people and the good news of the Gospel means that death does not have the final word. Christ’s victory over sin and death has opened up a door between us and God. Instead of going to the land of shadows when we die, we are welcomed into the Kingdom of Light. Rather than losing our relationships, we are restored to God.

These blessings come to us through Jesus. There is no other way. He is the conduit of God’s everlasting compassion; He is the sole channel of God’s eternal grace. When we fully give our hearts to Him and place our souls into Christ’s hands, we are assured of these wonderful gifts and death no longer has any power to diminish us or our souls. Not only will we remember and praise God from the grave, we will be restored to rejoice with Him forever.

Prayer:                        Lord Jesus, thank You for the giving of Your holy and precious Life, so that we may be given the forgiveness of our sins and the promise of everlasting life. Help us to claim these sacred gifts by the giving of our hearts to You. In Your Saving Name, we pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment on today’s message, pleases end him an email to

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Helping Haiti: Good news

Mark 1:15            "The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!"

We talk a lot in church about the good news, but do we actually take it to others?

I’m thinking about the horrific devastation that has taken place in Haiti since yesterday and the hundreds of thousands of lives that have been taken away by the terrifying earthquake. It’s one of the poorest countries in the world and it’s right on our front porch. How can we talk about good news in the church when our neighbors are dying in poverty, squalor, and cataclysm?

Our town was raging last night about the sudden departure of our football coach. People were out on the streets of Knoxville angry and furious, feeling betrayed and embittered. This morning our local newspaper has devoted many pages to football. But it’s just a game; the devastating earthquake in Haiti is a disastrous reality.

If we’re actually serious about the good news of the Gospel, then we will mobilize our churches to begin collecting money and supplies for the devastated people of Haiti. The good news that they need right now is to know that they are not isolated in their grief and that they are not cast off by the rest of the world. These people are amongst the poorest on earth and right at this moment we need to stop focusing on our own little problems and insignificant worries. We need to show them compassion and love. We need to embrace them in their darkest time. We need to comfort, support, and rebuild their lives.

This coming Sunday, I’m going to ask our congregation to hold a special offering for the people of Haiti. Our first response will be to send money to buy and ship the supplies, food, and medicine that are desperately needed. We’ll do this through the Presbyterian Disaster Agency so that help can get there quickly. Then we’ll approach the Red Cross and other relief agencies to see what supplies we can gather that will help.

That’s how the good news of Jesus Christ operates. In the midst of death, there is the promise of resurrection. At a time of despair, there is hope.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, what can we do to help Your people in Haiti? How can we show them the good news of Your love? Grant us the focus to use our resources and our money to alleviate as much suffering as we can. Allow us opportunities to restore and rebuild this nation. In Your Holy name, we humbly pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment on today’s message, please send him an email to

If you would like to help the Haitian people now, you can give online to the Presbyterian Disaster Agency at the following link:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Office Devotions: Leaving Our Nets - Mark 1 v 18

Mark 1:18 At once they left their nets and followed him.

When I was a pastor in Scotland, I loved working with the local fishermen. They were a hardy breed of manly men. They were coarse and rustic, weather beaten and strong. Each week they put their lives at risk looking for a bounty of fish. They worked long hours and in conditions that were sometimes terrifying. Whenever there was a storm at sea in the middle of the week, I used to pray constantly for their safety. On Friday afternoons, I gave thanks to God when I watched the fleet of fishing trawlers return home.

The faith of these fishermen was amazing to experience. Because they put their lives on the line week after week, they had a stronger connection to God than most everyday folk. I guess when you face death each day, then you find God a lot more closer to you. Whenever the church needed help or support, the fisherman families were amongst the first to volunteer. They were the heart and soul of the parish church and, throughout the years that I spent with them, I came to admire and respect their fearless faith and total commitment to God.

I think I can understand why Peter and Andrew, James and John left their nets to go and follow Jesus immediately. Fishermen are ‘all or nothing’ kind of people. Being timid or half-hearted just isn’t a part of their personality. It takes a great deal of courage to be a fisherman and they boldly go where angels fear to tread water. I think Jesus knew this when He asked the Galilean fishermen to follow Him. If they joined His team, then they would give their hearts and minds, souls and strength to His ministry and mission. There would be no half-measures and there would be no holding them back.

We are all called to become disciples of Christ, but sometimes we let other things get in the way. Instead of leaving our nets behind and walking on with Jesus, we keep a hold of them and drag them with us. Christ needs us to let go of the past, so that we can let Him lead us on to a more faithful future. If we truly want to serve Him, then it’s all or nothing.

Prayer:                 Lord Jesus, You called fishermen to Your ministry because You knew that through their commitment You would be able to build the Church. Thank You for choosing them and for selecting us. Help us to give You our all, so that You may become everything to us. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment on today’s message, please send him an email to

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Office Devotions: Chinese Checkers

Isaiah 62:1     For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch.

We hear a lot about religious terrorists and faith fanatics in the news, but how often do we hear or read about religious persecution and prisoners of faith? You will perhaps remember that I boycotted the Chinese Olympic Games because just miles from the glorious athletic stadiums, a Chinese Christian called Alimujiang Yimiti, had been arrested for distributing Bibles and leading a house church. Whilst the world was in awe of the athletic games, this good man was languishing in a Beijing cell for sharing the same Gospel that we believe in.

Well, after spending two years in prison, even although the Chinese Communist government had promised to be more tolerant of Christians in order to host the Olympics, Alimujiang has been sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment and hard labor. He was found guilty of ‘providing state secrets to overseas organizations;’ in other words, because the West had knowledge of his arrest and imprisonment through organizations like Voice of the Martyrs, he was unjustly and inhumanely imprisoned.

I will not keep silent about this. The Chinese Communist government is one of the most heinous, inhumane, and wicked authorities that has ever existed. Our Western leaders placate and appease them because we are financially indebted to China, but these militaristic monsters and religious persecutors should be exposed for what they are and excluded from the United Nations, the Olympic Games, and other international organizations and sports until they free the thousands of Christians like Alimujiang Yimiti.

I will continue to pray for his freedom, but I will also pray for the downfall of the cowardly Communist regime in China. I will not keep silent or remain quiet till China’s righteousness, through the courageous Christian Church, shines out like the dawn, and her salvation like a blazing torch.

Prayer:                        Lord Jesus, our faith is so secure and cozy compared to that of Christians in other lands. We take so much for granted and forget that each day our brothers and sisters in the faith are being harassed, arrested, unjustly tried, and inhumanely imprisoned for the same beliefs that we profess to have. Liberate the souls Lord that are languishing in prison for You. Bring down the bad governments that bully, berate, and beat up Your people. In Your Holy Name, we humbly pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment on today’s message, please send him an email to

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Office Devotions: Holy Harmony

2 Corinthians 6:15 What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?

I’m struggling right now with my thoughts about other religions. I know that religion has been the source of major wars and disharmony throughout the world for thousands of years. I understand the need to get along and be good neighbors. I yearn for world peace, coexistence, and harmony, but I’m also a Christian first and foremost, so the question that I’m asking myself is this: did Jesus preach a message of peace at all costs or did He actually begin the Last Battle between humankind and God, which will end up with His Victory over all?

Decades ago, in my youthful arrogance, everything seemed to be perfectly clear: it was Christ’s way with everything or no way at all. Throughout the years, the world has changed and so have I. My sinfulness over the years has made me realize how much I depend upon Christ’s grace, but is that grace limited to those who believe, or is it freely given to all religious and non-religious people?

I keep returning to the focused faith of the First Christians. They were willing to die for Christ. Were they being truly faithful or just fanatical? Were their beliefs foundational and immovable? Did they die because they were stubborn and anti-establishment, or were they martyred because they couldn’t and wouldn’t compromise Christ?

In my heart, I know the answer: there is no harmony between belief and unbelief. Christ is the only way to salvation.

Prayer:                        Lord Jesus, sometimes we feel lost and disconnected to God. We want the world to be a beautiful, loving, and peaceful place. We want our planet to be totally united and focused on the welfare of humanity. But sometimes there is no peace and there will be no harmony because we cannot compromise our Christian beliefs. Help us to do what we can for the common good of our brothers and sisters in the world, but never at the cost of losing our faith in You. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment on today’s message, please send him an email to

Today’s picture is taken from John’s Scottish Art series. It depicts Iona Abbey in Scotland at night, just after the Fall harvest. You can find a larger image of it at the following link: Scottish Art Series