Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Office Devotions: A New Love

Is love at first sight predestined by God? A story from Scotland.

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

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On top of my church computer, I keep my old KJV Red Lettered edition Bible. It was given to me by my parents way back in 1977. Throughout the years I’ve kept special cards, poems, and bookmarks within its pages. Every now and then I like to open it up and be nostalgically reminded of people, places, and programs from the past.

Today was no exception and as I looked through the Bible, I came across an old type written invitation to a Social dinner sent by my minister. It reads:

Dear Fellow Members,

So happy and successful was our Congregational Dinner last year that the Woman’s Guild had no hesitation in planning another one this session. Again we ask for your support for this Social Occasion of our congregation which is to be held Tuesday 27th February, 1979 at 7:30p.m. We celebrate 25 years of the united Guild at this time, so this will be an Anniversary Dinner.

That means nothing to you, but it was the genesis of something that changed my life forever. You see at that Social Dinner, the minister introduced me to Miss Evelyn Smith and as I looked into her gorgeous blue eyes for the first time in my life, I instantly fell in love. I knew then that Evelyn would become my wife.

Thirty years have passed and I still cherish that invitation, which is why I keep it in my old Bible. It was the beginning of a new life for me. Without that encounter, I would not be here writing this devotion today. My life would have been so vastly different, so I am thankful that God created something new at that Anniversary Dinner. Whilst everyone else was celebrating 25 years of a Church Guild Union, God was planning an entirely different union.

Perhaps you need something new to begin in your life. Maybe you yearn for a new start, a new place, or a new career. I firmly believe that God loves to create new things in our lives, so this could be the day that a new and rewarding journey begins for you.

Prayer: Lord God, You are the Creator of all things and the Maker of New Life. Your ways are amazing and we are blessed by Your love, guidance, and grace. Thank You for creating new events, new opportunities, and new experiences in our lives. In Jesus’ Name, we expectantly wait and pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment on today’s message, please send him an email to pastor@erinpresbyterian.org.

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