Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Office Devotions: Spiritually Mobile

Psalm 21:6 Surely you have granted him eternal blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence.

A new study from the Pew Research Council was released yesterday. It highlights the fact that many people move from one church to another several times throughout their lives. A large number of the adult worshiping population are no longer attending churches or denominations from their childhood. As they have matured and their children’s needs have grown, people have move from one worship center to another. As one commentator has stated, “We have become mobile and self-centered.”

Non-Christian religions, too, are showing the effects of a "salad bar approach" to faith, said Nathan Katz of Florida International University. He said many Americans shuttle between Zen centers, yoga classes and Kabbalah studies.

There seems to be a great spiritual restlessness affecting people today. It’s like a form of spiritual Attention Deficit Disorder, where people get too easily distracted and don’t give themselves enough time, focus, and familiarity with faith. Christianity is just another religious ware to be consumed instantly and discard easily if it doesn’t fit our expectations.

But faith was never meant to be an instant pill to cure all of our problems and make us feel better. True faith requires perseverance, commitment, and dedication for it to have any lasting effect over our lives. If we church hop from one place to another, we never really develop a faith community or worship family that we can depend upon when things go wrong in our lives. We become independent and isolated, cut off and alone from the power of the people of God.

I wish and pray that more people would get over their restless spiritual tendencies and stick with the program that Christ laid out. I personally and fully believe that Jesus has the answer to all of our questions about life, meaning, and purpose. I also personally know that He can be relied upon when things get tough and problematic in our lives. The eternal blessings that Christ has to offer us can become our greatest joy, but only if we truly, completely, and determinedly allow His presence into our hearts and minds, our days and lives.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, release us from spiritual restlessness and enable us to turn our lives over to You. Show us the value of faithfulness and help us to be more intentional about practicing, worshipping, and applying our faith. In Your Holy Name, we earnestly pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment on today’s message, please send him an email to pastor@erinpresbyterian.org.

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