Friday, January 9, 2009

Office Devotions: Band Aids

Romans 8:15 For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father."

The current economic situation gives us a wonderful opportunity, as Christians, to show our support to those who have greatest needs. We have a faith that not only gives us comfort in times of despair, but it also grants us the confidence not to be enslaved by our worries, anxieties, or fears. If Christians are insecure about life, then what is the point of our faith?

Last night, when I was watching the College Football Game for a while, I marveled at the Florida quarterback Tim Tebow. It wasn’t his playing that captivated me, but the fact that below his eyes he had placed two black band aids which read John 3:16. To the whole watching audience, Tim Tebow was using the broadcasted game to tell others that he was a Christian.

To some people, this might have looked like a piece of religious arrogance, but to me it reflected Christian confidence. He was going out to battle for his team and whether he lost or won, he was using the opportunity to let others know about his faith.

During this time of recession, a lot of people are going to have their confidence down-sized and their resources diminished. That’s when the church can step in to offer the opportunity of faith, compassion, and care. It’s a perfect time to witness for the Lord. It’s the right occasion to show others what God can do.

So today, let’s think about our families and friends, neighbors and colleagues who are going through tough times. And let’s also have the confidence to step up to the mark and offer them the friendship, understanding, and support that they need.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, these are tough days for all of us and many people are fearful about their future. Help us, as Your servants, to show them how faith works through good deeds, acts of compassion, and complete confidence in You, Your power, and Your Kingdom. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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